Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Mentalist vs. Psych

Well this one's new. I was looking to watch the newest episode of Dexter because Showtime told me I could (be warned, it lied), and I saw a trailer for a new TV show called The Mentalist. I can't find the trailer I saw, but it went a lot like this.

Crowded street. People are everywhere. Quick flashes of people with close-ups on key pieces of evidence revealing something hidden about them.
Some people think I'm psychic. Truth is, there's no so thing as psychics. I'm just paying attention.

Sounds like a cool premise, doesn't it? I thought so too, especially when I first saw it three years ago on Psych. In the spirit of The Mentalist, I've decided to pitch you a few of the show concepts I've come up with.

The first is a half-hour sitcom called Mates. We follow six friends living in downtown London as they experience life and love together. A goofy, out-of-work actor lives with a sarcastic, wait, what's his job again? So, no one told you life was going to be this way...

To get the forensic audience drawn in, I plan to promote a little show I like to call CSI: Indianapolis. The catch? Absolutely every episode will have something to do with the Colts. The city officials are caught spending way too much money on an unnecessary new stadium! Someone stole Peyton Manning's talent! A sarcastic blogger is killed for daring to defy the Almighty Colts!

The Factory will feature anyone from any Will Ferrell movie as the blundering supervisor who will never get fired or sued despite being blatantly racist or sexist towards his employees on a number of occasions.

Next on the list is a show I think I'll call Gray's Anatomy. It should be pretty obvious what I did to make this one my own.

I have big hopes for Saturday Afternoon Lights, a show about a high school soccer team set in Texas. Here's to hoping it isn't incredibly underappreciated by whatever network picks it up, gets stuck in a lousy timeslot, and eventually bumped to airing on DirecTV only. Why do we need lights for a Saturday afternoon? Well, um, it's quite overcast a lot?

Villians will follow exactly the same storyline as the mostly unheard of show Heroes. Easy, huh? Absolutely no new creativity required. That seems to be the goal most of the time.

Gotham will be the story of young Bruce Wayne long before Batman ever began. We'll see him with his absolute lack of superpowers doing things such as attracting women with his parents money and playing Xbox 360 on his big screen TV.

It didn't seem like my style to make something I hadn't given a fair chance to (I even have to stop and laugh at that one), so I decided to watch the pilot of the show, and I must say, I was slightly wrong. The Mentalist isn't like Psych. It's like a combination of Psych mixed with the storylines from the first two seasons of Dexter without the style or charm of the lead characters from either show.

I'd like to extend an invitation with this post. Come up with your own television show and leave your short pitch in the comment section. It probably will never compare to originality I've offered in the above shows, but you should at least try.


  1. On your CSI Indy, would that specific blogger be named "Vic" by any chance?

  2. My show is called "Home", and it's about a ridiculously antagonistic doctor with an undisclosed crippling injury who goes from room to room in a hospital making patients cry by being mean to them. Why? Because eventually he makes them say something that gives him an idea on how to cure whatever is wrong with them, after previously taking them to the brink of death with his hokey-pokey solutions.

    Oh yeah, and he's British, but he fakes an American accent. Dr Home, that is.

  3. This show is a superb TV show... I like it very much...This show is crime based series...I like the concept of this show very much...To Download The Mentalist show i found a Great stuff and here i got all the episode for free.
