Monday, April 27, 2009

Taking a Break

No, I'm not taking a break from the blog again. Rather, I just plan to take a break from my normal format. My intentions were to go into another one of my long rants, but things come up. Much more important things, in this case.

I have this friend at school named Haley. I've actually sat here for about 5 minutes or so, attempting to come up with the perfect way to convey her to you all, but nothing quite seems adequate. I guess I'll stick with saying she's the type of person that can make an Astronomy class fun. She can discuss theology or perform Beyonce. And she's got probably the biggest heart I've ever seen.

Today, April 27, 2009, Haley's mom, Susie passed away (I apologize intensely for the lack of better term, nothing seems entirely appropriate or adequate). I believe I only had one conversation with her, ever, but I believe that people are reflections of their parents, so she must have been an incredible woman. A heart as big as Haley's can only be nurtured by someone else with a big heart.

I've spent just about every moment since I found out contemplating the best way to respond. No amount of phone calls or Facebook messages would ever be able to express the sadness I feel for her loss, so I'm opting for a slightly different response. I only ask two things if you read this.

The first is prayer. Lots of prayer. Pray until you run out of words, and then pray more.

The second is simply to pass this along. My prayers could never be enough to help her family through this (I can hardly find the words for this blog), so please, join with me in praying for them.


  1. I read your comment on SCL about this post. I just want to say that I'm praying for her and her family!

  2. I, too, found you on SCL. I prayed for Haley and her family before leaving this comment. I intend to again, however.
    Don't worry about what to say to her. When my dad died, I found that in spite of lots of people trying to say consoling words, the only friend who I felt understood was the one who didn't know what to say. That conveyed to me that she understood the enormity of my sorrow. Be there for her. That is enough.

  3. I'm another SCLer, and I agree with Helen. The best thing you can do is be honest. You don't know what to say, so let her know that. Let her know that you will be whatever she wants you to be - a place to unload all of her emotions, or someone who will pretend this never happened for a couple hours. Chances are, she will need both at times.
    I'm praying that God won't let this tragedy take away her open heart.

  4. I'm an SCLer and I'm praying as well.

    (also, ditto what the others said. I've been the comforter and the comfortee and what they say is true based on my experience.) I think you are well equipped to help Haley. Where u are weak God is strong.


  5. The comfort she needs is probably not from words. You seem to be doing a great job.

    Tom (SCLer)

  6. I also came over from SCL and I'll be praying for Haley. Also that you will have the wisdom in knowing how to comfort your friend, and you sound like such a wonderful friend.
