Wednesday, August 13, 2008


QT? What's this, Michael's going to be writing about an cute girl and he's using Internet lingo to boot? Or is it that he's going to be addressing the latest QuickTime update in a manner that is relevant to both the professional crowd and the consumer crowd alike? Or could it be that he's developed a mild man-crush on Quentin Tarantino, a man whose films have touched more hearts than the Chicken Soup for the Soul series?

If any one of these thoughts popped into your head when reading the title of my post, you are about to be sorely disappointed (and you have a good brain for coming up with multiple options for one set of initials). The QT that the I am actually referring to is none other than...

Q-tips. Yes, you heard me right (and interestingly enough, if you didn't, the topic of this post still could be very relevant to you because you just may need one).

So what about Q-tips do I possibly want to discuss? Is it that they're not actually the best choice for cleaning your ears because they can push waxy build-up deeper into your ear canal? Is it that Q-tips that cannot handle the environment that is my ear canals without crumbling into ruins shouldn't be in existence? Wrong on both accounts. Guessing just isn't your game today.

What I really want to discuss is that the committment I'm required to bring to this one oral hygeine product is a longer committment than any relationship I've had so far. In case you haven't cleaned your ears lately, first, you may want to follow the wisdom of Proverbs 4:27a (NASB), and second, and much more on topic, they come in a package of at least 400. That means even if I buy the smallest package available and I'm willing to use 2 a day (how gross can my ears possibly get?), I'm still committing to at least a 6 month relationship with these things.

This raises a few questions in my mind. Why is it that with a relationship, cheating ends it quickly, but with a relationTip (notice the pun), cheating with another only earns you more time stuck in the same rut you've been in? Would it be a good marketing strategy to sell Q-tips in smaller packages for those afraid of committment? Is there a way that I can "try the milk for free" before I have to "buy the cow?"

The most important question of all is, however, why does my head make constant comparisons between Q-tips and girlfriends?

1 comment:

  1. First, if you are looking for someone intelligent to come up with more "QT" jokes, you should e-mail strongbad. Secondly, girls buy them to take off nail polish and, since they only last about 2 nails, my Q-tips go much faster even though I don't use them too often on my ears...and btw, a lot of your posts relate to dating and girls! lol.
